african american nurses

Many Soldiers who have been on the front line of the battle field have seen and experienced firsthand the horrors of war. Though terrifying, they knew who they were fighting and could recognize the enemy. On the other hand Covid 19 is different. In this war we have an enemy which is invisible and sometimes very deadly.

About a century ago the Spanish flu pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people, more than the combined total casualties of World Wars I and II.Advice to protect ourselves is clear: wash your hands well and often, self-isolate if you feel unwell, maintain social distance by avoiding crowded and public spaces, wear face masks and, if your symptoms worsen, contact medical services. Only by following this advice religiously can we hope to stem the tide of this new war. For now the virus is spreading like bush fire with new cases being reported every day.

On the frontline between a nervous public and those responsible for directing national responses, the healthcare workers on whom we all depend upon can easily be forgotten. In this war, the health workers are our soldiers in the middle of the battle field. During the Ebola outbreak six years ago, WHO estimated that health workers were between 21 and 32 times more likely to be infected with Ebola than people in the general adult population. In West Africa more than 350 health care workers died while battling Ebola. Across many counties in Kenya, Doctors, Nurses and other health workers are facing unprecedented challenges not just because the virus is less understood but in most settings they are under-protected, due to inadequate supply of PPE kits and hence are themselves vulnerable to infection. The risk of frontline health workers has become so real:Italy has seen at least 18 doctors with coronavirus die. Spain reported that more than 3,900 health care workers have become infected.

To quote Siddharth Chatterjee, ‘We need a whole-of-society resolve that we will not let our frontline soldiers become patients.’ We must do everything to support health workers who, despite their own well-founded fears, are stepping directly into COVID-19’s path to aid the afflicted and help halt the virus’s spread.Are you ahealth worker?Get protected today with Camino PPE kits @ www.dukaniyetu.co.ke/camino.


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